
Monday 2 January 2012


Practicing my kawaii face. Could do with a bit more work.

Check out that huuuge box of pocky mummy and daddy got me for Christmas. Sadly half of it's already been eaten >.<

Currently updating a hetalia fanfic which keeps deciding to delete itself >.<

Supposed to be revising for a Chemistry exam and I have absolutely no idea when the mock is >.<

Struggling to create character profiles for my writing. >.<

But I have a gorgeous mini poster strip of Sanji from One Piece so everything is calm. 

*Turns on Kis-My-Ft2's "We Never Give Up!"*

Happy Monday ^.^


  1. So jealous!! The milk ones are my fav, I clear out the shelves in my local chinese supermarket when they have them in <3 Thanks for following - I'm v excited to read you future posts! xxx

  2. Neon Genesis Evangelion! I am sorry...what were we talking about again?
